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Welcome to the Global Ursuline Teachers Community

Connect with other teachers from Ursuline schools who are interested in global collaborative learning experiences and partnerships.

Why Virtual Connections

Virtual connection and collaboration provides a rich opportunity for students to connect with each other.  All students are able to be involved and are exposed to different views, customs and thinking from students their own age. Post-Covid-19, the world of work is rapidly changing and the experience of working in cross-cultural, international teams, give our students an experience which cannot be replicated. From logistics such as working out time zones, to dealing with miscommunication in language and having to deal with shared deadlines, students are enriched through these projects. These collaboration projects reinforce our shared Ursuline mission and strengthen our global school network. They show students that the world's issues are our shared issues and responsibility.



Our vision is to create a community of teachers who are interested in collaboration.  We want to expose as many students as possible to these opportunities and connect with different cultures and languages. In time, we hope to create a virtual global Ursuline pupil conference, where students from all over the world can connect, share and discuss global issues that affect us all.


This community is hosted by

Brescia House School

Bryanston, Gauteng,

South Africa

the ursuline school.webp

The Ursuline School

New Rochelle, New York, United States of America

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